We believe that environmental challenges can be creatively solved on a local community level with initiatives that have positive impacts for our wildlife and quality of life in our backyards, streets, local parks and ecological systems.

We are about creatively connecting communities with biodiversity.


Education is crucial to bring about behavioural change in how we as a society interact with wildlife and our environment. Education and community awareness is the foundation to all our work.


Advocating for wildlife and the environment happens on a private, community, local, state and federal government level. By being actively involved in these networks, we can help bring about long lasting results.


Some of the projects we have initiated have begun simply by inspiring local residents and communities in imagining what is possible. From planting native food trees in a golf course for koalas, to starting a wildlife fodder plantation, it all begins with a shared dream.


Community is at the heart of who we are and what we do. Through community education, advocacy and inspiration, we are collectively able to impact our surrounding plant and animal communities in positive sustainable ways.


Engaging community in our wildlife and environmental initiatives is ongoing. It takes a community to look after our wildlife, we are all responsible for their welfare. From planting native flora on our properties, refraining from feeding wildlife, to installing nest boxes in our back yards, and igniting Councils to provide funds to do the same in local parks.


Doing happens on many levels. Through education on social media to on the ground community gatherings, to tree planting days, and the community knowing what to do when they come across an injured animal on the side of the road and how to check for pouch young, to identifying weeds, it is all about action.